Monday, February 2, 2009

Over The Top Pious Obnoxiousness

Religion is another way to take your obnoxiousness to the next level.

Make sure you use statements like "But I'm a Christian," even to people you know to be Christians.

The 'holier than thou' attitude is a real winner for those seeking complete obnoxiousness enlightenment.

When this attitude is employed, always remember to feign
unawareness that you said anything rude.

You can also deploy this technique well if you are a parent. Compliment another parent on their parenting skills and how their child(ren) turned out. Wait for them to say the cursory "Thank you" and then they will compliment you on your child rearing skills in return. At this time, you can let them know that your children turned out well because it was all God's doing. This makes them feel as if they just took credit away from God and makes them feel small. This is an obnoxious coup!

Finally, make sure you are shocked and outraged by anything the other person says or does. This ensures your place as the most obnoxious. When you notice that people are avoiding you, then you know you have achieved your goals.

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